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This is 100% pure Lions Mane mushroom powder. No Fillers
(most mushroom supplement companies use 90% fillers in their products and don't tell you on the labels)
Read this short blog to understand this fraud in more detail.

3 sizes to choose from
25g $20 $0.80/per g
50g $35 $0.70/ per g
100g $50 $0.50/per g ( best deal )

To use add 1tsp (2g) to any drink such as tea, coffee, smoothie or even your food. Anyway you choose to consume the powder.It has a mild pleasent earthy taste. It doesn't disolve so just stir and sip as you go to avoid it settling to the bottom.

Lions Mane mushroom has been getting very popular because
research suggests it helps nerve growth in the body and brain which suggests it can boost cognition, focus and memory which may possibly help protect against dementia and alzheimers.

It also may also relieve anxiety and depression from its anti inflammatory effects. 

Many companies are adding a tiny amount of mushroom powder to their products, but if it's not mostly filler, its usually not enough for a propper dose.
Lions Mane in capsules for example is a fraction of gram, a general dose should be 2g, so you would need to take 10 capsules to get the propper amount. Who wants to take 10 capsules when you could just put 1tsp in a nice drink?
Plus you pay more for them to be in capsules so there is no point doing that.


Lions Mane Mushroom Powder

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