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Create your own abundant food security stash or business selling fruit/meat jerky, soup blends, or herbal teas with this one of a kind custom built cedar wood food dehydrator.

Store bought dehydrators are so tiny and take way too much time and effort to dehydydrate anything substantial. And medium/large size ones are still way too small and can cost over $500, it will take forever to get a good stash.
Which is why I designed and built my own! It works so good 

I decided to build some more!

I currently have 2 available
***But I can also make a more budget friendly model with cheaper wood, maybe not as tall or with less screens***
I imagine it to be in $500-$600 for something like that.

The New  one is brand new has a tight fitting hinged door, and nicer looking wood.
The new one has fine spaced aluminum screens which is perfect for not letting stuff fall through, but downside of aluminum is you can't dehydrate high acidic foods such as tomatoes, the reaction to the metal and food won't be good, but you could always find a barrier for it if you needed to dehydrate acidic foods.

The old one is the first one I ever made and acctually has heavey duty racks compared to the new one, and are capable of dehydrating highly acide foods. 
The door is not hinged like the new one, you just take the whole door on and off. The hinged door is a nice feature, and has a snugger fit, which means less heat loss so more efficient, but realistically not that big of difference you would ever really notice anyway.

The heater itself has its own temp controller built into it but you can't set it to a specfic temperature. You will need a temperature controller if you want that and are around $50(link at the bottom )

I use mine without it and feel it does just fine.

Dimesnions are 57"tall x 17"x12"

Food Dehydrator

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